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Hours (starting 10/1/22):


  1 - 5  Tue

  1 - 5  Thu
10 - 2  Sat

Phone 207-422-2307



Library Administrator: Judy Ashby


Librarian: Christina McGowan


Visit us on Facebook


                                             *********************** NOTICES **********************

Frenchman's Bay Library is looking for members for their Board of Trustees.  Please email for a copy of our bylaws. Thank you for helping support our library.




Frenchman's Bay Library is looking for volunteers in the Library. We need help at the desk as well as managing the collection.  If you have a couple of hours to give here and there please contact for more information. Help support our community library.                       


Frenchman's Bay Library can assist those patrons wishing to use Telehealth to communicate with their healthcare providers. We have a secure internet access and a private area that may be used for these types of services which may help avoid unnecessary travel costs.


The library is open for business. Masks are strongly encouraged as well as the use of hand sanitizer and social distancing. We have an air purifier in operation when the library is open, and we continue to offer curbside service for patrons who are uncomfortable coming into the library due to respiratory issues or compromised immune systems.

​                                                     CURBSIDE SERVICE  

To borrow a book without having to come into the library, either call us at 422-2307 or email us at

If you wish a copy of how to use our website to peruse the card catalog, please email us and we will send you a copy of the directions.

Books for curbside service will be in a bag or a box with your name on and will be brought out to you by one of us. We will sanitize our hands before handling your books and wear a mask when we meet you at the door.



              We are starting a "Friends of the Library" group. Stay tuned for further details. 

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